
Free Vision Screenings

For more information:

Nicole Plegge, 314.402.4375, nplegge@mlerf.org

Annie Kuhl, 314.428.4373, ext. 107, akuhl@mlerf.org


Start the School Year Off Right With Better Vision


Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation to Hold Free Vision Screenings at the

Saint Louis Science Center, July 25-26


St. Louis, Mo. (June 19, 2009) – Amblyopia or “lazy eye,” is the leading cause of blindness in children, but is easily treatable – especially when identified early in one’s life. However, only 15 percent of preschoolers ever undergo an eye exam, simply because they display no outward symptoms or do not have the ability to verbalize their vision problems to their parents.


To help your child see a brighter future ahead, the Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation invites your family to a free Amblyopia Vision Screening for children ages six months to six years at the Saint Louis Science Center on Saturday, July 25th or Sunday, July 26th. Hours for screenings are 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. each day.


The first 400 children to be screened will receive a $5 promo card good toward a $25 purchase at Build-A-Bear Workshop® and be entered to win a stuffed animal, both courtesy of Build-A-Bear Workshop.


Screening for amblyopia takes just minutes and is completely non-invasive. Trained Foundation staff technicians use a hand-held scanner to screen a child’s eyes for a variety of vision problems. Our automated system reviews the results and will immediately produce a pass or refer report. If a child shows symptoms of amblyopia, parents are encouraged to take him or her to an eye doctor for a follow-up eye examination.


Amblyopia occurs when the brain ignores information sent from one eye. Eventually the weak eye will cease functioning properly, and the stronger of the two eyes will take over, leading to vision problems. The condition can occur either because of a focusing problem where one eye is more nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatic than the other, or because of a misalignment of the eyes where one or both eyes cross in or turn out. Vision problems like amblyopia that are left undetected or untreated could have a negative effect on a child’s ability to learn in school.


Since 1995, the Foundation’s Amblyopia Vision Screening program has screened more than 100,000 Missouri children, including thousands in the St. Louis area. Screenings are offered free to preschools, daycare centers and community organizations as well as the families they serve. Organizations who wish to schedule a screening may do so by calling the Foundation at 1-800-753-2265, ext. 8518.


The Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation based out of Columbia, Mo.  The Foundation is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of sight through its vision programs including: Amblyopia Prevention Screening, Glaucoma Detection Screening, Eyeglass Recycling, Eye Care Assistance, the Heartland Lions Eye Banks and the support of ocular research.  For more information on our programs, please visit www.mlerf.org.

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