
Mid-Week Shouts Out

Last night I made $250 for eating ice cream. Yes you heard me right. No I'm not off my rocker (well, I guess that one's debatable).

My mid-week SHOUTS OUT this week goes to market research studies & surveys.

For at least the past 15 years, I have been involved in market research companies. I think I did my first one before I even had a driver's license. Back then, I stuck to Superior Surveys. Then, in my twenties, I joined the database for Peter's Market Research. And then, about 2 years ago, I heard about Delve, when I took my daughter & a child I babysat to a study on childproof lighters. Those kiddos made $30 & I thought, how awesome is this, my daughter & this child made their first loot, at 3 years old. It's ingenious.

I'm always looking for sources of money...And being parts of focus groups & surveys have been that source.

I've done surveys where I've went & chewed gum for an hour & made $80. I've went & talked about diapers & made $90. I've went & talked about new currency, children's curriculum, candy bars, caller ID. I've taste-tested pudding. I've given my opinion on Chinet's new patterns. I told you...I've been doing this for years.

You do need to be out-going. A little outspoken. And willing to give your honest opinions. You also have to be cool with sitting in a room full of people you don't know & talk about something you may or may not care about.

Here are the ones I know of in the St Louis area (will you tell me if there's one I've missed?):

Delve, go HERE
Lucas Market Research, go HERE
Superior Surveys, go HERE
Hatch, go HERE (this one is new & I've not worked with them)
Peters, where I've done more of my surveys, HERE.

What can you do to join these groups & start making your own fast & easy cash?

1. Call the agency/firm/company & ask to join their database. Some will send you a packet in the mail to fill out & return. Others will give you the info to join online. And one might even take the necessary info over the phone.

2. Wait for a call...an employee will ask you the questions that could qualify you for a particular survey. At that point, I typically ask how much & when. There are no close market research 'places' within 30 minutes, so it has to be an amount I feel is worth the gas & the drive. But I rarely need to turn them down.

3. Be sure to update them when something changes like your work status, your contact info, or if you get or lose a pet.

4. Make some moolah.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Marie said...

Also, Peters Marketing - http://www.petersmktg.com/