
With all That Spare Time

Since you won't be clipping coupons today (holiday weekend, no newspaper coupon inserts),
why don't you take the time....
drop me an email, and share with all of us,

Do you do a file?  A binder?  A box?

Do you print only?  Clip and print?  Clip & never use?

Do share!


Can't wait to hear from you!


Katie said...

I love Starbucks coffee (especially free) and I love your site. Thanks for all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Coupons...I do not have 2 coupon organizers like *some* people. I have an old pencil case of my sons. I clip weekly from the paper. I save them all for when we do our BIG grocery shop trip. I saved almost $35 last trip. My husband was proud of his 12 cent deod:)
I don't print..why? I don't have a printer...i fight with them and it frustrates me. I will fwd them to my work/dad to print though.
I also share. The coupons I don't take..I give to my mom.
MeShell...too lazy to log in

Anonymous said...

I have an organizer for my grocery items. That goes with me on my shopping trips. Then I have a small one that I carry in my purse. It contains my non food items. Also my restaurant coupons.