
Kmart, Doubling Up Again!

Get your coupons organized Tightwad Friends! Kmarts going at it again. Here is their letter that just popped in my inbox...

Dear Tightwad Momma*,

Thank you for contacting Kmart regarding the Kmart Double Coupon Event. We appreciate your interest in this promotion.

Our next scheduled Double Coupon event is being held at all Super K-mart stores (excludes Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands) from 05/20/09 – 05/26/09. Please note, Michigan Super K-mart stores are participating from 05/17/09 – 05/23/09 only. You may use the link below to find the Super K-mart store nearest you.


Once again, we appreciate your interest in saving money by taking advantage of our Double Coupon promotion.


Miguel G
Retail Customer Care
Sears Holdings Corporation

*names changed to protect the frugal

PS Please don't tell Miguel what I said about their carts. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One thing it says though is Super Kmart, does it not count for the regular Kmarts?