
Idea for a HS Graduate, Going to Mizzou

I could think of anyone who is Mizzou-bound, but if you know of someone, there are some great things to be bought (on the cheap, of course) for their high school graduation party.

In the CLEARANCE aisle at WALMART, there are several party-type of things that would be perfect for a casual party.  There is a veggie/dip (or chip/dip) plate, there is a bowl, & a few other things that would be perfect for party-serving, all for $5 each.  Also, some decor, again, $5 each!
On sale at DOLLAR GENERAL, there are can MIZZOU coozies, for a few bucks each.  Perfect for sitting next to your beverages, for those cold bottles or cans (avoid cups!, bonus!).

Or if you aren't planning the party, but buying the gift, for that graduate headed for Mizzou, I recommend getting a tote or even better (more practical) a backpack, stocked w/ some Mizzou stuff (car flag, coozies, etc.).

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