
I meant it when I said A CONTEST IS COMING!!!!....

It was worth the wait!
A gift certificate for
SIXTY-MINUTE MASSAGE THERAPY at Pro-Active Chiropractic!
in Arnold
Dang, I wish I could win this one.
Here's the deal, yes - this is another one of those contests where you can earn up to SEVEN entries, BUT YOU MUST, you MUST comment on EACH & EVERY chance (otherwise, it is not an entry).
For me, a massage is a pleasure...almost a guilty pleasure. I mean, how often do us mommas have the opportunity to LAY DOWN -- have someone MASSAGING US -- NOT HAVE OUR KIDS YELLING -- and NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING (anything BUT relax).
So, for your original contest entry, you must leave a comment telling us all one of your 'guilty pleasures'... is it soap operas? eating ice cream from the container (not that I'd ever do that, a'hem)? listening to Prince? watching someone leave the bathroom with a trail of TP hanging from their shoe?
Spill it.
That's ENTRY #1.
ENTRY #2: Follow me on Twitter & TWITTER about this. If you already do -- leave a comment telling me so.
ENTRY #3: Subscribe to a blog subscription service-thingy (like google reader, etc.)... look on my sidebar for a link. If you already do -- leave a comment telling me so.
ENTRY #4: Subscribe to MY NEWSLETTER... on my sidebar, you will see a 'box', enter your email address in there & you're subscribed! If you already do -- leave a comment telling me so.
ENTRY #5: Blog about this. In a comment, leave the URL to your blog post.
ENTRY #6: Put my button on your sidebar. You can find the HTML code on my sidebar. If you already have it there -- leave a comment telling me so.
ENTRY #7: Facebook about this contest. In a comment, tell me your facebook name... I will add you as a friend! (who doesn't need more facebook friends, eh?)
********If your comment says 'anonymous', how am I going to know who it is, in the event you win? So, make sure it has some type of identifying info on it please.***********
Okay, now go to www.proactive-chiropractic.com & start making plans for your massage. Then skadaddle back here to start racking up your entries. CONTEST ENDS SUNDAY, MAY 17TH AT NOON!
Thank you PROACTIVE for this AWESOME giveaway!!!


Jeff & Carrie Seeley said...

Chocolate is my guilty pleasure...doesn't really matter in what form it is.

Jeff & Carrie Seeley said...

I am a subscriber.

Jeff & Carrie Seeley said...

I also have you on google reader.

Anonymous said...

Ice cream is my passion. I have been known to buy a carton and hide it deep in the freezer so no one else can find it.
I'd love to win a massage!


Anonymous said...

I posted a link to your contest.


Karrie said...

my guilty pleasure..... curling up in my big brown chair with a cup of hot cocoa and a book!

Karrie said...

don't have a blog but I'm a member of that google blog thingy so I can check my sis in law's blog - does that count??! =)

Angie said...

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!! Particularly Reese's PB Cups! But any candybar!

And I would love to win a massage, considering I have never had one and am raising 3 teenage girls!

Angie said...

I currently receive your newsletter to both my email addies!

Angie said...

Okay, one more comment from me! I am following you on Twitter. And my most recent Twitter update says I follow you and am hoping to win the latest contest!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your newsletter.


Melinda said...

Oh my gosh I have way too many guilty pleasures. Lets see... I must admit I love to eat sunflower seeds and I am not kidding I can finish a whole bag of these in one setting. Isn't that pretty unhealthy? Also, any type of chocolate. I must admit I am a closet listener to "Rod Stewart" LOL~~~ :)

Melinda said...

I am a email subscriber!!!

Melinda said...

You are officially a button on my blog!!!!!

Melinda said...

Told all my facebook peeps about your site!!!

Anonymous said...

My guilty pleasure(s) is going all by myself to get a chai tea late and then going bargain shopping... all by myself (or with my mom)... no toddler in tow! That's one of my favorite ways to spoil myself!


Anonymous said...

I also subscribed to follow you on google!


Ken Row said...

I am guilty of eating the baked apple pies at McDonalds, and always ordering two because they're two-for-a-dollar, but one is 95 or 99 cents (varies by location).

Ken Row said...

I follow you in Google reader.

Ken Row said...

I subscribed to your email newsletter.

Kim said...

My guilty pleasure??? CHOCOLATE ALL the way!!! there's NEVER enough Chocolate!!!

Kim said...

I am a subscriber to Blogs Reader/Follower thing which lets me see every update that YOU and many other bloggers do...does that count?

Kim said...

I blogged about your giveaway on my site...www.followthefish.blogspot.com - check it out!

Kim said...

I just subscribed to your newsletter...

Kim said...

Your button is on my sidebar www.followthefish.blogspot.com =)

Kim said...

Ok - 6 out of 7 isn't bad (sorry, I don't follow Twitter =) I just listed your contest on my Facebook...I think my scavenger hunt is over!!! Maybe I'll win???

Lori Andrews said...

Lori Andrews' guilty pleasure is all about pj's, a soft bed, and a good Christian Fiction novel!! (Kingsbury is one of my favorite authors!!). Ahhh . . . now that's Heaven on Earth! :)

Lori Andrews said...

Lori Andrews posted your link and the ad for the massage give-away on Facebook

Lori Andrews said...

I already subscribe to your newsletter :)

lyndaboul said...

When I am laying on the couch and my kids call me, I pretend like I'm sleeping. Is that bad?

Michelle said...

I have so many guilty pleasures.
1. watching the hills
2. running away from home
3. cheese danish out of the box w/a fork
4. going to a local thrift shop

Michelle said...

I can't follow u on twitter...I'm twitter challenged

Michelle said...

I already subscribe to the blogger thingy

Michelle said...

I get your email everyday..even though it's late and I check your site before I get the mail:)

Michelle said...

I'm off to blog about this:)

Michelle said...

I have and LOVE your button

Michelle said...

Off to face book about you...see just a reason for me to go to facebook land
I had to type proop in your box....PROOP..LOL

Colleen T said...

Colleen T - I get your newsletter

ColleenT said...

Colleen T - my guilty pleasure - buying small gourmet ice cream and eating in car b4 I get home. "Oh, I'm late, sorry, bad traffic"

Marsha said...

One of my little guilty pleasures is watching Days of Our Lives everynite once the kids are in bed and hubby is at work! ;)

Marsha said...

I am also a subscriber!

Marsha said...

Heading off to facebook now to comment on this great chance at a massage! Come find me marsha goggin!!