

My girl is 5 & her whole life she has 'suffered' from a severe & life-threatening allergy to dairy & all milk-based products. More than once, she has had anaphylaxis from eating an 'unsafe' food. Our family belongs to 'FEAST' who has brought Kyle Dine (children's musician) back to St Louis. We loved watching him last year. And even if your family is lucky enough to not suffer from allergies, your kiddos will enjoy this.

TOMORROW!: at St. Luke's Hospital Health Education Institute/Emerson Aud.

Doors open at 4:00 w/ Kyle Dine's performance at 4:30.
Dr. Michael Borts and DEY/Epi-pen will be there before the performance as well.

FREE and open to the public, bring family and friends!!

Kyle Dine performing on a news show in Canada.

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