
Mid-Week Shouts Out

This week's Mid-Week Shouts Out goes to St. Louis Children's Hospital.

I've had the privilige of getting to know Kimberly Hume, MSN, RN, FAHCEP Manager, Resource Center who is a walking book of children's info...and I am happy to share with you, a tiny bit of what SLCH has available!

The Family Resource Center is a cornucopia of knowledge. You call or email them (314.454.2350 or frc@bjc.org). You tell them what you need to know more about (for example, NUTRITION). The next business day (how's that for service?), they will drop a packet in the mail for you!

Here's what they say...

"Anything goes related to kids health-health and wellness topics-birth, death, divorce, how do you get them to eat green vegetables, how many green vegetables should they eat, how do you get them to sleep in their own bed at night, potty training, play, death of the pet turtle-you name it! Along the line of diseases-asthma, attention deficit disorder, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and on up the alphabet-if you can relate it to kid's health, we can look it up! From toddlers to teens-we have information for you."

Okay, I gave you the example earlier of nutrition. At their fingertips, they have Brochures on-Exercise, Staying Healthy, Fun and Fit at Home, Nutrition for When Parents are on the Go, Making Eating Fun, Cholesterol and Kids and moreInfo on school lunches, food jags, and healthy snacking, as well as a bibliography of books and videos that can be checked out from the Family Resource Center.

Here are some other resources Ms. Hume shared with me:

http://www.stlouischildrens.org/content/AnswerLine454KIDS.htm for all parents, an ask a nurse line, also will offer referrals to pediatricians and specialists

http://www.stlouischildrens.org/content/permissiontotreat.htm Permission to treat forms to print out and have notarized for when you are not with your kids- very important!!! (I just printed this out, have been looking for something like this!)

http://www.stlouischildrens.org/content/safetystop1.htm Place where you can get your car seat checked for free and BUY very much discounted car seats, booster seats, bike helmets and other safety things for your home (like car seat for $40 that normally retails for $80-don't quote that please-call them for specifics)

http://www.stlouischildrens.org/content/events.htm Has all the events including helmet checks and more!

Children's motto is: We Do what's Right for Kids

They certainly do... and it carries over to families.

Thank you Children's!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I appreciate that information.

Anonymous said...

A few months ago I got great information on sleep disorders in children! They are awesome!

Karrie said...

LOVE Kim and all the information she has at hand and her promptness is sharing that info!