
Bass Pro Santa

Free photos with Santa! At BassPro in St. Charles. Bass Pro offers a free 4"-x-6" photo with Santa along with nostalgic holiday sights and activities such as a Red Ryder Laser Arcade and model trains running throughout Santa's Wonderland.

And BassPro is just a fun field trip anyway!


Anonymous said...

Years ago,Bass Pro in St. Charles had their Santa set up in a sleigh with a team of taxidermied deer/reindeer. Do you know if they still have this? It would make a great pic, not to mention I might actually get my 12yr old son to sit there too because he would think that is cool! LOL

Homeowners said...

I'm unsure...but wow!, that DOES sound fun!
I hope my ideas & info are accurate, but it is always a good idea to call before taking your kiddos anywhere (saves potential disappointment)... that might be a good question for your local BassPro! (& if you find out, let us know!!)